confessions of an OG PILOT

from tactics to survival horror

Even if it is not halloween, there are many ways to get things that can bring creeps, bone-chills to you this season.

Actually its more of a bone-chilling, because its bone-chilling + psychological disturbance + great stunning graphics!

Konami's survival horror series makes its first appearance on the Xbox 360 and PS3.

This is something that should be looking forward to.

"This Silent Hill takes the series' traditional art style and filters it through to create an arresting new look. The flashlight looks particularly realistic, especially in casting shadows, and a lot of the medical equipment lying around would shake if we bumped into it. The characters and environments are detailed, but the intentionally grimy look makes the game feel as if it has been captured on old, decaying film. It won't be to everyone's taste, but it certainly adds to the atmosphere of the game"
